BUSINESS PERIODIC IDEAS show you how enterprises can transform lives. Business concepts propel endeavors to success.

A company is a legal entity composed of an association of people for commercial or industrial purposes. Three ideas underpin the modern company: joint stock ownership, limited liability, and the company as a legal personality.
The division of labor is the separation of tasks in an organization or group. Assigning people to specialized tasks optimizes individual talent thereby improving group efficiency.
The multi-divisional form (M-Form) is an organizational structure where a diversified company is separated into semi-autonomous units. The M-form frees top management from the minutia of daily operations and allows them to concentrate on corporate strategy, market positioning, and resource allocation among divisions.
Managerial capitalism relates to corporations that employ professional managers. Professional managers set objectives, organize activities, motivate teams, measure outcomes, and develop people in an organization.
Intellectual capital are the intangible assets of a company. They are the nonphysical and nonfinancial assets that command value.