Killer Combos!

visit the Devastator Chess : Chess w/ SWCCG page Chess using Star Wars Cards! New strategies, Entirely new game concepts.... Loads of Fun. Last Modified Jul 16, 1996 read player suggested combinations!
Dr Evazan + Holocam + Laser projector
A fast working doctor! Hit with rifle , kill w/ evazan From: Donald Lowe
Dr Evazan + Light repeating blaster rifle
A fast working doctor! Hit with rifle , kill w/ evazan From: Donald Lowe
CZ-3 (react cards) + Dont underestimate our chances
Put CZ-3 on a site + say Leia then play dont underestimate our chances then play a *bunch* of rebel troopers From: Donald Lowe
Crash Memorial Site + Timer Mines and Mine Droids
Set off mines and bring them back! From: Donald Lowe
Crash Memorial Site + (Tarkin/Tagge) Seekers
Kill off characters and bring seekers back!
Nabrum Leids + Warriors + Lightsabers
put a bunch of warriors out , play lightsabers on them, teleport them around with nabrum leids, to drain for *lots* . also make sure you have a beru stew deck + hydrofarms or X34's + spaceportspeeders for lots of extra force to use nabrum leids.
Stormtroopers + Full Scale Alert + timer mines + mine droid
Stormtroopers + Full Scale Alert + timer mines + mine droid From: Neal Rothleder
Sundown + Dark Hours + Luke, Luke!!!!
Play Sundown, put to sleep all opponent's characters so they are power forfeit 0 then kill them with Luke Luke!!!
Djas Phur + Dark Side Cantina + Presence of the Force + Nightfall + DS Mos Eisley + Expand the Empire
get "Djas" in "Cantina" with "Presence of" , and Sundown on Tatooine, he'll be 7 power alien. With Mos Eisley next door and Expand the Empire on it, he gains +1 to forfiet AND power. 9 power AND he draws destiny. (Ability 4) From : Tom Taylor
Vader + Dark Jedi Presence + Troopers
Play vader + play dark jedi presence + troopers (0 to deploy), double their power, add utility belts they get powerful quick
Vader + ComLink + Trooper Guard + Troopers +Trooper Charge + Dark Jedi Presence + You Overestimate Their chances
Devestating version of Vader + Dark Jedi Presence + Troopers On any one site you sould have Vader + Comlink. When Opponent initiates a battle there, start deploying STs with STUBs then use Trooper Charge to increase your total power. Now play Dark Jedi Presence + You Overestimate Their Chances to truely kill your opponent. by: "Tom D\|ring"
Presence of the Force + "Overwhelming force" + Dark Jedi Lightsaber
Play vader Big powerful stuff to overwhelm at a site, then play a (couple) presence of the force's to drain for LOTS!
M'iiyoom Onith + Scanning Crew + Set for Stun + Trinto Duaba + Tusken Scavengers +Jawas + Look Sir, Droids
Tallon Roll + Dark Maneuvers
Increase the maneuver and power then do a tallon roll on a starfighter, have the +1 for each starfighter systems, control sites w/ force Remember - Dark Maneuvers can be used AFTER the Tallon Roll, ( : Use it with special TIE's + Their pilots.... Black 3 with DS-61-3 Vader + Vader's TIE etc.
Holocam + Automated Laser Projector
Shoot the other guys with little involvement from troops.
Tusken Raider + Bantha
A very nasty exponentially powerful dominating combination
Nabrum Leids + I've got a bad feeling + Lot of Chars RUSE
Play someone with low power at a sight with imperial characters, play everyone else at another site. Initiate battle and Nabrun every to join. Add Han Solo , Jedi Presences + Extra Battle Destinys since everything is doubled (including attrition) or tripled with Han. Contributed from : (Chris Thacker)
Nabrum Leids + Spaceport speeders or Beggar
The infamous "teleporter" card combined with speeders to give you lots of force to move around
2X-3KPR + Talz + Nightfall
A nasty nighttime combo. Talz deploys for 1 force a power 5 creature!
Obi-Wan + Return of a Jedi
The classic recycler combo, or bring out Obi-wan fast.
Noble Sacrifice + On the Edge + Thank the Maker
An awesome recycler combination which allows you to get cards back from the lost pile indefinitely.
Leesub Sirln+Radar Scanner
See what is in opponent's hand, then get rid of cards in his hand. Combine this is fast force decks like spaceport speeders , soon they'll have nothing in their hand.
Revolution + x/0 sites-systems + lightsabers/proficiency
Play sites which have lightside force no dark side force and revolution opponent's big double dark force icons and no light side icons. Soon he'll be powerless!
X-34 Landspeeder + Spaceport Speeders!
Get force out quick quick quick!!! Overwhelm by speed! Go through your entire deck in 3 rounds!!! Use spaceport speeders , star w/ mos eisley site, sell a X-34 landspeeder, put it to crash site memorial, draw *three* destiny to activate that much force, this means you can (at the end of the turn put these into your hand!!)
Seeker + Crash Memorial !!
Player seeker to kill a character (imperial> w/ ability<3 then it goes to the crash memorial! Repeat next turn!! Kill maim destroy!
K'Lor'slug + Spaceport speeders !
Play a bunch of X-34 landspeeders + Spaceport speeders, get a boatload of force up , then play K'lor'slug! You'll be able to employ a bunch of extra power where you have ability , especially if you play with bbig characters BoShek,Leia,Obi-Wan,Luke etc.
Death STar Plans + Nabrum Leids
Finish the Death star plans utinni effect *very* quickly. even in 1 turn potentially!
Restricted deployment + Beggar + Jawas
Make a dark side force suppression deck!! Use up his force then attack him he can't fire weapons use lightsabres etc.
Cantina Brawl + Cantina + Mos Eisley!!
deploy and start struggle at Cantina, so Dark side has lots of force there, then "teleport" to Mos Eisley and start a brawl. voila! You have no characters there , he's going to lose characters! , if he uses Elis Helrot you can use Sense etc. You can then use Nabrum Leids to "teleport" back to trounce on him. Also you can use the begger/jawa/siesta strategy to get his force down on his turn so he can't teleport away.
Wioslea + Spaceport speeders
Take the opponent's droid! Then sell it!! For a bunch of force!
Binoculars + On the Edge
Use binoculars to see what the next card will be destiny wise then you will always make an "accurate" prediction to maximize the amount of lost cards you can get back! Since on the edge is a lost interrupt you can bring *it* back with Noble sacrifice, Thank the maker, Figrin (figuring) D'an, Death Star Plans, Kessel run etc. This will make a *continuous* stream of cards you can get back from the lost pile!!
Surprise Attack + "6" Destiny Card + Wioslea
put in 20 surprise attacks 40 cards w/ "6" destiny. You win As soon as you are drained you draw a "6" bam ouch.
Panic + Rebel Guard
Draw 3 cards , gee 3 rebel guards That's +12 power at that location. Oh by the way let's don't underestimate our chances too.
Timer Mine + Restricted Deployment + Beggar + Rebel Barrier + Crash site memorial + Tarkin-Seeker + Tagge Seeker + LIN-48K
Put out LIN-48K on every site , put only 1 site in your deck, then put out seekers, and mines and restrict and bar his movement. then blow up his characters!


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