Fratricide Deck!

.____"FRATRICIDE" DECK____________________________
| 3 BoShek D:1
| 7 Corvalian Corvette D:1
| 10 Collision D:4 <<<--- Concept of Deck
| 10 Friendly Fire D:4 <<<--- Concept of Deck
| 1 Sense D:3 <<<--- Concept of Deck
| 1 Alter D:4 <<<--- Concept of Deck
| 1 Yavin 4: Massassi Throne Room
| 1 Tatooine: Obi-Wan's Hut
| 1 Tatooine: Cantina
| 1 Death Star: Trash Compactor
| 1 Dantooine
| 1 Yavin 4: Massasi War Room
| 1 Death Star: Detention Block Control Rm
| 1 Tatooine: Mos Eisley
| 1 Alderaan
| 1 Kessel
| 1 Yavin 4: Jungle
| 1 Tatooine: Jawa Camp
| 1 Tatooine: Lars' Moisture Farm
| 1 Tatooine: Dune Sea
| 1 Yavin 4: Docking Bay
| 1 Death Star: Docking Bay 327
| 1 Tatooine: Docking Bay 94
| 1 Tatooine
| 1 Yavin 4
| 1 Dutch D:1
| 1 Han Solo D:1
| 1 Leia Organa D:1
| 1 Luke Skywalker D:1
| 1 ObiWan Kenobi D:1
| 1 ObiWan's Lightsaber D:1
| 2 Rebel Trooper D:1
| 1 Red Leader D:1
The idea is to have all cards which have destiny 0 or 1 and put in cards which have some special effect on drawing destiny < # of something. So Collision!, Friendly Fire! Sense and Alter! are nearly *guaranteed* to work!! Soon they'll be spreading their forces thin in order to keep you from Collision and Friendly fire , and you can Use sense and Alter to counter what they do with impunity And you'll overwhelm them with greater forces on your side.
The concept of the deck is to play all cards which are destiny 1 or 0 (sites/Planets). Note this deck has *all* the SWCCG light side cards which are desinty 1 or 0, but of course the concept works if you don't have Dutch, Han Solo etc. The critical cards are COLLISION ! and FRIENDLY FIRE Also key support cards are : SENSE and ALTER Having 63% of the cards in the deck have 0 or 1 destiny means the collision, friendly fire , sense and alters will be *nasty*. One may of course take out the sense and alters and put in more 1/0 destiny cards to make the deck draw 0 or 1 73% of the time, and draw destiny 3 27% of the time. Still makeing collision and friendly fire even more devastating ;-)


S S Star Wars - Killer Combinations

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