
Homogeneous Catalysis in Supercritical Fluids

Supercritical fluids, compounds heated and pressurized beyond the critical point, have many unusual properties. Homogeneous molecular catalysis, which have far greater control over selectivity than heterogeneous solid catalysts, are now being tested in SCFs., and early results show that high rates, improved selectivity, and elimination of mass-transfer problems can be achieved. As industry moves away from toxic or environmentally damaging solvents, supercritical carbon dioxide may be an ideal replacement medium for nonpolar or weakly polar chemical processes. More than simply substitutes for nonpolar solvents, SCFs can radically change the observed chemistry. Supercritical carbon dioxide is also an excellent medium for its own fixation, as demonstrated by studies of its hydrogenation. S +

Scanning Interferometric Apertureless Microscopy:Optical Imaging at 10Angstrom Resolution

Interferometric near-field optical microscopy achieving a resolution of 10 angstroms is demonstrated. The scattered electric field variation caused by a vibrating probe tip in close proximity to a sample surface is measured by encoding it as a modulation in the optical phase of one arm of an interferometer. Unlike in regular near-field optical microscopes, where the contrast results from a weak source (or aperture) dipole interacting with the polarizability of the same, the present form of imaging relies on a fundamentally different contrast mechanism:sensing the dipole-dipole coupling of two externally driven dipoles (the tip and sample dipoles) as their spacing is modulated. S +

Sprites, ELF transients, and positive ground strokes

In two summertime mesoscale convective systems (MCSs), mesospheric optical sprite phenomena were often coincident with both large-amplitude positive cloud- to-ground lightning and transient Schumann resonance excitations of the entire Earth-ionosphere cavity. These observations, together with earlier studies of MCS electrification, suggest that sprites are triggered when the rapid removal of large quantities of positive charge from an areally extensive charge layer stresses the mesosphere to dielectric breakdown --fin