A Human Resource Planning and Development System

1. Organizational Activities -> 4; 1 <- 4
   Organizational Planning:
   a. Strategic (Long-Run) 
   b. Operational (short run)

2. Matching Processes   -> 5,7 ; 2<--5,7
   Performance Appraisal:
   a. Present performance 
   b. Future performance 

3. Individual activities  -> 7 ; 3 <-- 7
   Individual work history
   a. types of assignments
   b. development activites

4. Human resource planning -->1; 2<--5,6,10,8,11  
   a. types of jobs
   b. number of people

5. Human resource inventory  --> 2,  5<--2,6
   a. Skills and talents
   b. performance levels
   c. potential
   d. career stage and needs

6. Assessment of present human resources  -> 4,5,9
   vs organizational needs

7. Individual self-assessment -> 2,3 ; 7 <-- 2,3
   a. Career anchors
   b. work invvolement
   c. career stage and needs

8. Specific individual career plans  --> 7 ; 8 <-- 7

9. Specific human resource plans --> 8,12,10 ; 9<-- 12,8,6
   a. staffing plans
   b. development plans
   c. recruitment plans
   d. monitoring plans

10. Monitoring of implementation, evalution, ->4,11; 10<-11,9,4
   replanning, research

11. Implementation of plans: ->4,10,8 ; 11<---8,4,12,10
   a. New jobs or development activities for presetn people
   b. new recruitment

12. Dialogue : jointly negotiated plans  ->11,9,8 ; 12<--9,8
    for job rotation, development