Organization and the Components of Ite Environment

The Organization
  1. Governmental
  2. Socio-cultural
  3. Physical Resources
  4. Market
  5. Economy
  6. Shareholders
  7. Competitors
  8. Human Resources
  9. Financial Resources

             |  Exploitive   | Benevolent    |            |Participative
             |Authoritative  | Authoritative |Consultative|group
1. Leadership   
-Trust in    | None          |  None         | Substantial| Complete
 subordinates|               |               |            |            
-Subordinates|Seldom Used    |Sometiems Used |Usually used|Always Used
 ideas       |               |               |            |
2. Motivational Forces
-Motives     |Security,status|Economic,ego   |Economic,ego| All motives
 Tapped      |               |               |and others  |
Level of     |Overall        | some moderate | moderate   |  high 
satisfaction |dissatisfaction| satisfaction  |satisfaction|satisfaction 
3. Communication 
Amount       | very little   |  little       | moderate   | much
Direction    |  downward     |mostly downward|   down,up  |downuplateral
4. Interaction-influence
amount       | very little   | little        | moderate   | much
Cooperative  | none          | virtually none| moderate   | substantial
teamwork     |               |               |            |
5. Decision making
Locus        |   top         |policy decided |broad policy| all levels
             |               |  at top       |decided @top|
Subordinates |  not at all   |sometimes      | usually    | fully 
involves     |               |consulted      | consulted  | involved
6. Goal Setting
Manner       | orders        | orders w/     |set after   |group
             |               | comments      |discussion  |participation
Acceptance   | covertly      | frequently    | sometimes  |  fully 
             | resisted      | resisted      | resisted   |   accepted
7. Control processes
Level        | top           | all levels    | some below |all levels
             |               |               | top        |
information  |incomplete     | often         | moderately |complete
             |inaccurate     | incomplete    | complete   |accurate
             |               | inaccurate    | accurate   |
8.Performance|mediocre       | fair to good  | good       | excellent