Murray's Manifest Needs Achievement - Individual aspires to accomplish difficult tasks, maintains high standards and is willing to work toward distant goals; responds positively to competition; willing to put forth effort to attain excellence Affiliation - Enjoys being with friends and people in general; accepts people readily, makes efforts to win friendships and maintain associations with people Aggression - enjoys combat and argument; easily annoyed, sometimes willingto hurt people to get his or her way; may seek to get even with people perceived as having harmed him or her. Autonomy - tries to break away from restraint,s confinement, or restrictions of any kind enjoys being unattached, free and not tied to people places or obligations; may be rebellious when faced with restraints. Exhibition - wants to be the center of attentio n; enjoys having an audience; engages in behavior that wins the notice of others; may enjoy being dramatic or witty. Impulsivity - tends to act on the spur of the moment and without deliberation; gives vent readily to feelings and wishes; speaks freely; may be volatile in emotional expression Nurturance - gives sympathy and comfort; assists others wheneverpossible, interested in caring for children, the disables, or the infirm ; offers a helping hand to those in need; readily performs favors for others Order - concerned with keeping personal effects and surroundings neat and organized; dislikes clutter, confusion, lack or organization; interested in developing methods for keeping materials methodicaly organized Power - attempts to control the environment and to influence or direct other people ; expresses opinions forcefully; enjoys the role of leader and may assume it spontaneously. Understanding - wants to understand many areas of knowledge; values synthesis of ideas, verifiable generalization, logical thought, particularly when directed or satisfying intellectual curiosity.