www.tda.gov/abouttda/index.html Mission Statement The U.S. Trade and Development Agency assists in the creation of jobs for Americans by helping U.S. companies pursue overseas business opportunities. Through the funding of feasibility studies, orientation visits, specialized training grants, business workshops, and various forms of technical assistance, we enable American businesses to compete for infrastructure and industrial projects in middle-income and developing countries. TDA AT A GLANCE Since the U.S. Trade and Development Agency's inception in 1981, we have been associated with approximately $12.3 billion in exports -- or nearly $32 in exports for every dollar invested in TDA activities. TDA is a small, independent federal agency. Because of our size and management style, we respond quickly to assist U.S. companies in capitalizing on overseas business opportunities and responding to foreign competition. In Fiscal Year 1998, TDA obligated $56 million for U.S firms in more than 62 strategically targeted developing and middle-income countries in the following regions: Africa/Middle East; Asia/Pacific; Central and Eastern Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; and the New Independent States (NIS). TDA primarily is involved in these sectors: agriculture; energy; environment; health care; manufacturing; mining and minerals development; telecommunications; transportation; and water resources. TDA, through the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC), works closely with the Department of Commerce, The Export-Import Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and other export promotion agencies to advance American business interests abroad.