A New hope compact spoiler list


========================== LIGHT ======================================= 

Characters :---------------------------------------------------------

T |P |A |D |Ff|Dt |
y |o |b |e |oe|ei |
p |w |l |p |rt|sn |Func/Name
A |1 |1 |2 |2 |3  |***Arcona May move away from a battle at same site as a react
A |* |3 |Y |X |PI |*Braniac
AR|6 |2 |4 |6 |1  |*Chewbacca +1 power w/ han,+2starship,+1manfalcon,
  |  |  |  |  |   |  vehicles,droids,starships when hit are used
R |2 |2 |2 |5 |2  | Evram Lajaie - @ endor,hoth,yavin4 ships move there as react
R |2 |2 |3 |4 |2  | Vanden Willard - 1 force cancel mechshortage, @war room +1 power to ships
A |1 |1 |1 |3 |3  |***Corellian - 1/turn deploy device/weapon -1 to rebel @ same site 
A |1 |1 |2 |3 |3 M|*Doikk N'ats - For each other musician ability needed to draw destiny +1
A |1 |1 |3 |2 |3  |*Garouf Lafoue - +1 forfeit rebels tat, -1 forfeit dark @ hoth ;+1 ship
A |1 |2 |* |1 |3  |*Het Nkik - 2force from each side to deploy +1 power /stormtrooper
A |4 |1%|4 |4 |3  |*Hunchback - 1 force:@ drained adj. site- search force pile drop "back" cards
A |1 |2 |2 |3 |3  |*Ickabel Gont - Opp. must use X force when force draining@adjacent site
D |2 |- |3 |5 |2  |?MHYD Droid - on:all nondroid characters @ same site forfeit +2
A |2 |1 |2 |3 |3 M|*Nalan Cheel - after bith shuffle peek at top X cards;may reshuffle wo/peeking
D |1 |- |3 |4 |2/5|*R2-D2 +2pow,man,speed on a sfigher,@scomplink 1-3 +1force;4-6 draw 1 card
D |1 |- |2 |3 |4  |R5-D4 +1pow,man ; if hit by ion cannon restore armor,man,hyperspeed
D |1 |- |2 |3 |4  |RA-7 - give/accept weapons to redeploy for free to warriors
R |1 |2 |3 |2 |2  |Rebel Commander - other rebels at same site are forfeit +1,bothan spies free
R |1 |1 |2 |3 |1  |Rebel Squad Leader - w/3 trooper/guards move 1force ; troop/guard forfeit+1
R |1 |1 |2 |3 |2  |Rebel Tech +1 attack run cumulatively or USED: find death star trench 
A |2 |1 |2 |3 |3  |***Saurin - +1 power w/ saltorkalfas ; 1 force:remove restraining bolt 
R |2 |2 |2 |4 |3  |*Tiree - +2pow starship; +1 attackrun ; on gold2 +1 man.
A |2 |1 |3 |1 |3  |*Tzizvvt- +1 power@dagobah,trashcompactor ; fly controlphase 2space1force
R |2 |2 |2 |6 |4  |*Wedge Antilles +3pow starship;+2man on red2 draw 1 destiny if can't 
  |  |  |  |  |   |  - take 1 corellian slip into hand
A |2 |2 |3 |2 |2  |*Zutton - use 1 force to reduce total battle destiny by 1 (0min)

Interrupts :---------------------------------------------------------
T  |Name        |Function
y  |            |
L/U|Adv. Prep   |used: play- attack run , you're all clear kid, death star trench 
6  |            |       or rebel tech; get 1 force
   |            |lost: use 3 force to retreive attack run from lost pile

3L |Alt to Fight|cancel starship battle, or free captured character or cancel beseiged.

4L |Blast the   |after battle started use 1 force to cause all leaders &char ability >2
   |door kid    | to be completely excluded from that battle

L/U|Blue Milk   |L:Cancel JuriJuice or Hypo
4  |            |U:Select player to activate 1 force
U  |Corellian   |if tallon rolled add ability + maneuver to total
4  |Slip        | or decrease the maneuver of opponent for 1 turn

L  |Double Agent|If both players have a spy at a location spy is lost
6  |            | if destiny > 2 is undercover >0 ; or take tonnika sisters

U/L|*GrimTaash  | HOLO - Used :if > 13cards in hand lose all but 8
2  |            | Lost : cancel molator or 4force:opp show all doubles lost

L  |Houjix      | HOLO - if lost & no cards remaining cancel remaining damage (immune sense)
1  |            | or cancel sunsdown

3  |I Have aVery| If opp. deployed >=4 characters @ 1 site this turn prevent
   |bad feeling | those from entering combat OR if opp. reacted to a battle
   |about this  | cancel the battle.

6  |I'm here to | A spy at detention corridor attempt rescue there.  
   |rescure you | if destiny+ab of spy > ab of capturee.OR cancel spice mines of kessel

   |Let the     | +1 destiny @ djarik battle. OR if wookie survived battle you
   |Wookies win | were in;deploy opp character ability<5; disarmed. (pow -1 no weapons)

5  |out of commi| use 2 force to release a ship held by tractor beam
   |ssion       | or select one equipment from blaster rack/lost pile place out of play

5  |Quite a merc| if elis helrot just moved use 2 force all charac
   |            | transported are lost (immune to sense) or smuggler just
   |            | deployed can't move this turn

5  |Sabotage    |in control phase targetweapon,device or vehicle
   |            | if destinydraw>destiny of target lost, if also theif
   |            | can steal OR cancel informant

4  |Sorry about | during control phase fire a weapon , if han firing
   |the mess    | add +1 to destiny . hit target is immediately lost

3  |Wookie Roar | If chewie @ site along +2 destiny, spend 3 force get chewie
   |            | scare off 1 mouse droid on table,

3  |You're all  | Cancel I'm on the leader, or use 1 force during attack run
   |clear kid!  | Move 1 TIE in deathstar trench (your choice) to death star 
   |            | system for free. Add 1 to attack run if starfigher w/ matching
   |            | pilot

Locations :---------------------------------------------------------
For|Name        |Function
   |            |
L2 |Y4 Massassi | L If here w/ leader starships all +1power @ deathstar system
D0 |Ruins       | D Drain +1

L1 |Y4 Breifing | L If youcontrol w/ leader +1 to attack run
D0 |Room        | D If youcontrol +1 drain, -1 to attack run

L0 |Sandcrawler | L Nightime conditions here ; Jawas forfeit +2;deploy on sandcrawler
D0 |Loading Bay | D Your xxxx may enter/exit for 1 force each, nightime conditions here

L0 |Raaltiir    | L Your starships may move here as a react.
D0 |            | D Your capital starships deploy -2 here

L1 |Klak'Dor VII| L If you occupy all bith characters destiny +2
D0 |            | D if occupy; all bith -1 destiny, grhhk is +2 power at djarik

L2 |Kashyyyk    | L Your wookies & smuggler deploy -2 here.
D1 |            | D Ability 6 or more to draw destiny here

Epic Event :---------------------------------------------------------
   |Attack Run  | Deploy on deathstartrench. 
   |            | Enter : Move up to 3 starfighers for free ; respond w/ up to 3 TIE
   |            | Cover : ID Lead fighter and wingmen. Turbo laser batteries and TIEs w/
   |            |         weapons can target starfighters. Hit fighters are lost 
   |            | Away! : Draw 2 destiny
   |            | PullUp: Move away starfighters If destiny+X+Y-Z>15 death star destroyed
   |            | X Ability of lead pilot, or 3 if targetting computer present
   |            | Y total # sites of rebel bases
   |            | Z Highest ability of TIE pilots

5  |Commence    | accumulate 8 force here to fire superlaser.
   |Recharging  |  those 8 cards are lost.

4  |Eject!Eject!| Use 1 force to try to eliminate permanent pilot
   |            |if destiny >2 remove fighter's permanent pilot
   |            |may now deploy 1 pilot

3  |*Logistic   | 3 force to depoy . all TIE fighters deploy +1
   |Delay       |

4  |*Luke's Cape|use 2 force deploy rebel/alien; immune attrition <3
   |            |activate 1 force if on nontatooine site

5  |Scanner Tech| Radar scanner immune to sense. if radar scan with
   |            |>13 cards lose all jawas,tuskens and stormtroopers

4  |Solomahal   | Deploy on character to give scout skill
   |            | move to any site as react, +2 power to scouts scouting

   |They're on  |1/game use 2 force to deploy on dantooine, play on death star 
   |Dantooine   | can't use commense primary ignition until reach dantooine

5  |UnderCover  | deploy on a spy at your site and cross spy to opponent's
   |            |side. If at a site during your deploy phase can breakcover (lost effect)

3  |***What're  |3 force to deploy. each interrupt on this card costs +1 force to play
   |try to push | interrupt of same interrupt name.
   |on us?      | interrupt of same interrupt name.

Immediate Effect:---------------------------------------------------------
5  |Grappling   |Use 1 force to deploy on table after an interrupt played & lost.
   |Hook        | any new interrupts of same type are now unique.

2  |Bowcaster   | X force to deploy X=7-warrior's power. Xmust be atleast 1.
   |            |Target w/ X force. Hit if destiny draw +1>ability; creature
   |            |lost if destiny +2>defense value
5  |Fire        |Deploy on astrodroid; cancel effects of ion cannon,
   |Extinguisher|lateral damage, program trap. If on R2D2 can cancel a battle (lost)

3  |Jawa Ion    |Deploy 1 force on Jawa 3 of any warrior. Droid stolen if destiny+1>forfeit
   |Gun         |character excluded from battle if destiny=ability

5  |*Luke huntin| 1 force to deploy on luke or owen, 3 on nondroid character
   |rifle       | character hit is destiny-1>ability; creature lost if destiny+2>defense

   |Magnetic    |Deploy on sandcrawler; during control phase target character
   |Suction Tube|if destiny>ability "suck up character. Relocate to another
   |            |sandcrawler site or put in owner's used pile.

3  |Motti Seeker| or motti or pilot ability <3 both are lost.

4  |Remote      | use 1 force to deploy @ any site. move during control phase
   |            | +1 power or forfeit. OR use 2 force to cancel any seeker present

3  |Rectenna    | Use 1 force to deploy on starship; if opp. initiated battle
   |            | may react by deploying cards.

5  |SW-4 Ion    | 1 force deploy on Y or B wing.  1force:Target draw destiny>armor/maneuver
   |Cannon      | all weapons lost and maneuver/armor=2 ; hyperspeed=0

T |P |M |H |Dl|Ff|Dt|
y |o |a |y |eo|oe|ei|
p |w |n |p |py|rt|sn|Func/Name
F |2 |4 |4 |1 |3 |2 |*Gold 2 mayforfeit in place of any fighter in trench
F |3 |4 |5 |2 |5 |2 |*Red 2 Immune attrition < 3 if wedge piloting
F |3 |4 |5 |3 |6 |2 |*Red 5 +1 attack run; immune attrition <4 is luke piloting
F |3 |4 |5 |2 |5 |6 |*Red 6 apponent may draw 2 destiny I've got a prob. here vs red 6
V |1 |5 |* |2 |4 |3 |Incom T16 Skyhopper -landspeed = 4
V |2 |2 |1 |2 |3 |4 |Rogue Bantha 2pass;ab1/2;if at extioer site lose 1 tusken raider
S |5 |4 |3 |5 |8 |1 |*Tantive IV permanent pilot aboard ability2;3pilots4pass;deploy system!
Sq|6 |3 |4 |* |6 |3 |YWing Assault Squadron -ability 3; replaces 3 ywings.

========================== DARK ======================================== 

Characters :---------------------------------------------------------

T |P |A |D |F |Dt |
y |o |b |e |o |ei |
p |w |l |p |r |sn |Func/Name
A |2 |2 |3 |2 |2  |***Advosze +2powerstarship;get 1 froce for each weapon deployed;1/ship-site
I |2 |2 |3 |3 |2  |*Captain Khurgee - search pile take scanning crew into hand
I |* |3 |4 |2 |2  |*Danik Jerico-1/battle use 1 force to lose forfeited char;*=power=1+allslurped
I |1 |2 |2 |3 |3  |*Dansborin +3power of ship; OR if on ship +1 ship destiny draw
I |1 |1 |2 |2 |2  |***DeathStar Gunner
I |3 |1 |3 |2 |3  |***Defel - nighttime use 1 force hide from battle.@a revolutioned site -1force
Cr|* |5 |4 |0 |3  |Dianoga - *=power / ferocity of last character eaten+destiny.
I |2 |2 |2 |3 |2  |*DS61-4 - +3to ship;on black4 +1destiny if can't. 1 force take 1 lone pilot
A |2 |1 |1 |% |2  |*Greedo - threaten smuggler. use all force to cancel.
  |  |  |  |  |   |Allowing you to active same. else destiny+greedoability>6 smuggler lost
A |* |2 |2 |3 |4  |*Hem Dazon -in deploy place 1 card from hand or force pile under hem
  |  |  |  |  |   |sale consumption.  If hem lost card under also lost. *power=1+#cards under hem
I |1 |2 |3 |2 |2  | Imperial Commander - other imperials at same site are forfeit +1
I |1 |1 |2 |3 |1  |Imperial Squad Leader -move squad of 3 trooper for 1 force.trooper+1forfeit
D |4 |- |3 |1 |2  |IT-O - @ detention block coordir, force drain +X ; X=#captive present
A |1 |1 |2 |3 |3  |*Lirin C'arn - when @ same site as other musician cover charge for each other
  |  |  |  |  |   | musician add +1 to cost for any character to move or deploy to same site.
I |2 |1 |2 |5 |3  |*Lt Pol Treidum - @docking room 327 +2 to power, 1/turn draw destiny
  |  |  |  |  |   | same sate as undercover spy, cover is broken is destiny=spy's ability
I |1 |1 |2 |3 |2  |*Lt Shann Childsen - +2power @detention block;+2 power when alien present
  |  |  |  |  |   |+3 if wookie,talz or ewok
A |1 |1 |3 |5 |3  |*Mosep - opp is losing force from drains @ adj site .lost force
  |  |  |  |  |   |must come from reserve deck.
I |2 |2 |2 |5 |2  |*Officer Evak - +2power ship;@deathstarsite,ships move to death star as react
D |1 |- |2 |3 |3  |R2Q2- on fighter +1 powerman,hyperspeed;@scomp use 1 force to look @ 
  |  |  |  |  |   |    top3cards of reserve pile
D |1 |- |2 |3 |2  |*R3T6 - on cap. ship+1pow +2 hyperspeeda;imm attrit<4; @deathstar +1 speedDS
D |1 |- |2 |3 |4  | R5A2 - on ship +1 pow,man; on ship hit by ion cannon restores on next ctrl
A |1 |1 |3 |3 |3  |*Reegesk - 1/turn -1force search opp. lost pile veh,droid,weap use as own!
I |2 |1 |2 |4 |3  |** Reserve Pilot -  - +1 ship;black234 +1 man,draw destiny where can't
A |2 |1 |2 |2 |3  |***Rodian -bounty hunter/smugglers power +1 +1 power to ships
A |1 |1 |3 |1 |6  |*Tech Mo'r - after omni box peek@xcards X=# other musicians;reshuffle
I |2 |2 |1 |3 |2  | Trooper Davin Felth - @tatooine local trouble/look sir are used
  |  |  |  |  |   | opp may select target when using friendly fire at same site as felth
D |1 |- |3 |3 |3  | U-3PO - deploy on opponent's side a undercover spy
A |1 |1 |3 |4 |3  |*URoRRuR'R'R - at site as another tuskan draw 1 destiny if notable to
D |1 |- |3 |* |2  |*WED15-17 'septoid' droid - *forfeit @ 7; each time forfeited -1 until 0

T |P |M |H |Dl|Ff|Dt|
y |o |a |y |eo|o |ei|
p |w |n |p |py|r |sn|Func/Name
V |1 |4 |* |2 |4 |2 | Bespin Motor Void Spider; landspeed3 or shuttle;3pass.
V |2 |3 |- |2 |3 |2 |*Black 4 - may deploy pilot as react if battle started vs TIE
S |9 |6 |3 |8 |9 |1 |*Conquest -6pil 8pass 2veh 4TIE; after initiating vs falcon look @ opp hand
V |2 |5 |3 |2 |5 |4 |*Mobquet A-1 Deluxe Floater -2 pass;free if Jabba or bounter hunter
  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  move as react to battle w/ theif smuggler, hunter
Sq|3 |3 |- |* |6 |3 |TIE Assault Squadron - replace 3 tie, permanent pilots prov. ability 3
F |1 |2 |- |2 |3 |3 |TIE Vanguard - perm pilot ab 1. If opp initiated react by deploy there
S |6 |5 |4 |6 |5 |2 |VictoryClass Star Destoyer-4Pl6Ps1Ve3TIE;Perm Pilot ab 1;+1 total power site

3  |DeathStar   | use 2 force to deploy on bay 327.  May target a ship there
   |Tractor Beam|using 2 force. draw 2 destiny starship captured if total destiny>armor or man

5  |Enh TIE     | 1 force to deploy on TIe, target w/ 1 force draw destiny
   |Laser Cannon| capital ship hit if destiny -2 >armor. figher if destiny>maneuver

5  |Hypo        | Deploy IT0 if w/ captive in control - ask yes/no question
   |            | of cards in opponent hand. Must tell truth or refuse to answer spend 1 force
   |            | OR increase force drain by +1

4  |Jawa Blaster|deploy freeon jawa. Target for free.  Destiny-1>avility hit
   |            |Blaster explodes, causing it and char firing it to be lost if destiny=0

4  |Laser Gate  |Deploy between 2 interior mobile sites.  To pass char power+ability>4
   |            |or use a lift tube.  Laser gate armor=3. target w/ weapon from either site

3  |Leia Seeker | 1 force to deploy. Move during control phase.  @ smae location as 
   |            | leia or warrior ability <3 1 is lost.

3  |Magnetic    |Deploy on sandcrawler; during control phase target character
   |Suction Tube|if destiny>ability "suck up character. Relocate to another
   |            |sandcrawler site or put in owner's used pile.

3  |Superlaser  | Deathstarweapon : Deploy@death star system at parsec 0.
   |            | Target a capital ship @ death star system or at a system it orbits,
   |            | w/ 4 force. 2 destiny> armor capital starship hit.

3  |Tractor Beam| 2 force desploy on SD. @ end of battle target ship present w/ 2force
   |            | destiny > armor/maneuver = hit
   |            |

5  |URoRRuR'R'R |use 1 force to deploy on U- or Bast. 3 on nondroid char.
   |Hunting Rifl| my target 1 force. destiny-1>ability hit; creature lost 
   |            | if destiny+2>defense value

Immediate Effect:---------------------------------------------------------
5  |Tentacle    |1 force deploy on table played any interrupt.  That interrupt is 
   |            | still played out but then grabbed (placed here out of play)
   |            | any new interrupts of same name are now unique

3  |There'll be |Use 3 force deploy on table ; stack 1 just played interrupt hee. To play
   |Hell to pay | any new interrupt of same name, player must first stack it here and
   |            | use +1 force for each interrupt in stack even it interrupt is normally free.

3  |Astromech   | All starships +1 deploy w/ astromech icon
   |Shortage    | 3force to deploy

5  |Beseiged    |Deploy on capture starship, docking bay 327 characters battle
   |            | if you lose ship escapes

4  |Come w/ Me  |Use 1 force to try to eliminate permanent pilot
   |            |if destiny >2 remove fighter's permanent pilot
   |            |may now deploy 1 pilot

2  |Dark Waters | Deploy on extioer site; opp. force drains are -1 here
   |            | Immune to alter when swamp creature here

   |Hyperwave   |Deploy on your site. Scanning crew is now immune to sense.
5  | scan       | If scanning crew played vs opp >13 card loses cards w/ rebel in card name 

3  |Imperial    | If opp. is generating >=4 force than you, deploy on location to
   |Justice     | cancel all force generation at that location OR deploy on a 
   |            |location it is now immune to revolution

3  |Kryyat Drag | 1 force to deploy. destiny draw:
   |Bones       |  (0) put top used card in hand (1) lose 1 force (2) activate 1 force
   |            |  (3) lose this effect (4) retrive top lose card (5)deploy char free(6)nothing

4  |Maneuver    |Deploy @ trench. Opponent makes maneuver check for fighter leaving trench  
   |Check       |  each fighter draw destiny. desinty+maneuver<5 fighter lost.

4  |Program Trap|Use 2 force deploy on opp. droid. 1 on your droid. next time either
   |            | draw destiny matching the number of char. @ same site, droid explodes, 
   |            | causing all characters present to be lost!

Uti|Spice mines |Deploy on Kessel, Target 1 captive & 1 trooper .  When target
4  |of kessel   | Reach utinni, retrieve lost force equal to captive's forfeit.
   |            | captive and utinni lost.  If Trooper lost en route captive released

4  |SwillaCorey |Deploy on any non theif to give that character theif ability
   |            |target device destiny 8 target system is blown away
   |            | otherwise this card is used and gunner (your choice) is lost 
   |            | X=total sites at target
   |            | Y=total deathstars sites where opp has no presence
   |            | Z=opp choice of X or total # sites @ rebel base

Locations :---------------------------------------------------------
For|Name        |Function
L- |DeathStar   |X=parsec of location;must deploy @ parsec 0 ;hyperspeed=1
D3 |            | immune to revolution. if this is your starting location 
   |            | lightside goes first
   |            |

L0 |DeathStar   | L  If you control drain + 1; -1 commence primary ignition
D1 |Conf. Room  | D If you control w/ leader +1 commence primary ignition

D2 |Imp. Holotab| D  Dejarik rules in effect here
L1 |            | L  Dejarik rules in effect here

D2 |Kashyyyk    | D  drain +1  ; wookies onboard forfeit -3
L1 |            | L  Your ship w/ wookie onboard power & forfeit +2

D2 |Kiffex      | D if you occupy w/ 2 ship, total power +2
L2 |            | L if you occupy w/ 2 ship, total power +2

D1 |Ralltiir    | D Devastator Power + 1 here.& may move to/from here for free
L0 |            | L Tantive IV Power + 1 here.

D0 |Sandcrawler | D Enter/exit 1 force each, nighttime; 
L0 |droid junkhp| L nighttime / jawas +2 forfeit here

D0 |Tatooine:   | D Bluff rules effect here.
L0 |bluffs      | L Bluff rules effect here.

Interrupts :---------------------------------------------------------
T  |Name        |Function
y  |            |
L/U|Evader      |U:Cancel all Revolution in play (opp -1 force for each)
   |            |L:If vader/custom TIE just lose move to USED pile OR
   |            |  save your used pile one imperial just lost from death star location

L  |Ghhhk       | HOLO - if lost & no cards remaining cancel remaining damage (immune sense)
1  |            | or cancel sunsdown

L  |I'm on the  |Target fighter making attack run, destiny +1 /TIE
3  | leader     |if total >maneuver fighter lost. OR add +1 weapon destiny draw

U  |Informant   |Any of char @ adj site to undercover spy move as react to
6  |            | that spy's site for free. OR cancel sabotage.

U/L|Monnok      |HOLO - Used :if > 13cards in hand lose all but 8
2  |            | Lost : cancel molator or 4force:opp show all doubles lost

U  |Ng'ok       |HOLO - If opp just deploye >=4  character
3  |            |they can't battle for this turn. OR if opp reacted cancel this battle.

U  |ootaGoota   |if nabrun leid just moved use 2 force all charac
5  |solo?       | transported are captured (immune to sense) or smuggler just
   |            | deployed can't move this turn OR Cancel kessel run

L  |Retract the | during deploy X force to rearrange all interior DS sites
3  |Bridge      | X=total # of sites.  All cards @ site move along with this
   |            | OR CAncel on the Edge

L  |Sniper      |during control phase, fire a weapon . If Urrorrorrr firing +2 destiny
3  |            | a seeker targetted by weapon as if maneuver 4 ; hit target lost

L  |stunning    |aAfter a battle @ interior site 1 force to cause all leaders
4  |leader      | all characters w/ ability>2 to be completely excluded from that battle

U  |This is some|Cancel I'm here to rescue you, plastoid armor, out of commision
6  |rescue!     | alternative to fighting, cell 2187 or ewok rescue

L  |We have a   |Use 1 force if opponent just lost or forfeited a char from battle. It is 
3  |prisoner    | captured instead OR use X force to capture all characters on board
   |            |captures shpi X = twice # of characters

graphical view of each card